That movie really just sucked me into it. KARAN ASHLEY: I was just blown away by it. What was it about his performance that inspired you?
TV STORE ONLINE: I read somewhere that one of your favorite movies is THE GODFATHER (1972), and that seeing Al Pacino's performance in the movie is what inspired you to become an actress. So I auditioned and I got the part of 'Aisha' and four days later I was in Los Angeles shooting a television show. How long am I going to have to wait?" Then I thought about it and I knew that this may be a chance for me to be an actress. So I got there and there was a line of people all the way around the building. KARAN ASHLEY: Well, I didn't know what the show even was, but I went anyhow because it was a local open audition in Texas. TV STORE ONLINE: Could you tell me about your audition experience for Power Rangers? Then, a friend of mine told me about this audition for this show called The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. eventually ran it's course, and by that time anyhow, I was already thinking that I wanted to leave and pursue acting. I knew then that acting was something I wanted to do. We got called back and we had to shoot some video, and that's when the acting bug bit me. We auditioned and we got pretty far into it. Our group got an audition to be singers in SISTER ACT 2: BACK IN THE HABIT (1993). and we had a song on the MO' MONEY (1992) movie soundtrack. Before I started acting, I had a singing group called K.R.U.S.H.

I always wanted to act, but singing was my first thing.

I thought I'd be up on the stage and acting in that sense. KARAN ASHLEY: Honestly, when I was a kid I thought I was going to be a singer. TV STORE ONLINE: Where does your interest in acting come from? Karan is perhaps best known for portraying 'Aisha Campbell' the Yellow Power Ranger on the television series, The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (1994-96).