This tool is nowhere to be found, can you please help? Using Substance Painter 2018.1. Hi ! I'm learning from a video and refers to using Lazy Mouse tool. I'll be demonstrating this feature in Photoshop, but it is available in man.
Well I'm proud to announce that a brand new version called Lazy Nezumi Pro is now available here Learn how to use the brush stabilizer to create smooth lines in your digital art. It attaches to your art software, and allows you to draw smooth lines in a similar way to ZBrush Lazy Mouse. Hello Polycounters! Many of you have probably tried my little LazyNezumi line smoothing app over the years. Hi, as the title of this discussion states, my lazy mouse brush smoothing is greyed out for my brush tool only. Brush Smoothing option (Lazy Mouse) Greyed out - Brush Tool Only! houstonsharp. Photoshop > Brush Smoothing option (Lazy Mouse) Greyed out - B. Its able to be enabled for my eraser and other tools, just not my brush tool. Hi, as the title of this discussion states, my lazy mouse brush smoothing is greyed out for my brush tool only.Its able to be enabled for my eraser - 997966 Solved: Hi, as the title of this discussion states, my lazy mouse brush smoothing is greyed out for my brush tool only.How To Use: Enter a value into Padding and Radius (for instance the default 50 and 10) Yeah, i dont know how the zbrush lazy mouse works exactly, but replicating the functionallity is the easy part once the hook and drawing works as intended. The one I posted tries to replicate Zbrush's lazy mouse as much as possible.
(like the one in Zbrush) There is an external program called Lazy Nezumi, but this only 'works' on PC, & not on Mac (sadface

It adds stabilizers, rulers, and scripting to your favorite art programs, including Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, and many others